SW Thinks
Citizen Green Bond
Citizen Green Bond
SW Thinks is our new thought leadership series where we share ideas, opinions and insights on how to create a more sustainable world.
First up, a Citizen Green Bond for Ireland. It’s a green State Savings account that would empower Irish citizens to take action collectively and at scale, investing their savings in green projects that help meet Ireland’s decarbonisation targets while benefitting local communities. It is an idea we’ve been actively advocating for the last two years, and have been discussing with policymakers and State Agencies. Interesting to see a similar idea coming to fruition in the UK this week with the government there announcing a new green savings bond that will give people across the UK the opportunity to contribute to the collective effort to tackle climate change.
For more on how we see the Citizen Green Bond working at an Irish level, read our SW Thinks short paper on the topic.