SW News
SustainabilityWorks is now a Certified B Corp!

SustainabilityWorks is a B Corp!
Big News!!
We are delighted to announce that SustainabilityWorks is now a Certified B Corporation! This was one of our goals for the business from day one, so we’re extremely proud to have reached this milestone. It aligns with our ethos as a mission-driven consultancy and our fundamental belief in business as a force for good. We’re really excited to be part of the B Corp community in Ireland and globally.
What is a B Corp?
Being B Corp Certified means that a company has been verified as meeting B Lab’s high standards for social and environmental impact, that it has made a legal commitment to stakeholder governance (i.e. taking all stakeholders into account in decision-making), and that it demonstrates accountability and transparency via its public B Corp profile. You can see SW’s profile here: SustainabilityWorks – Certified B Corporation – B Lab Global